'See unit conversions below. Tasty Bread Cinnamon Rolls is an easy merienda (snack) hack that you can easily try at home! We only need to use tasty bread and white bread in this recipe. Try it today! See full recipe here: http://www.angsaraprecipes.com/easy-tasty-bread-cinnamon-rolls-recipe-with-video/ Ingredients: 7 loaves of white bread (tasty bread) 3 tbsp (45 ml) melted butter 3 tbsp (37.5 grams) brown sugar 2 tbsp (16 grams) cinnamon powder For the coating: 1 tbsp (15 ml) milk 1/2 tsp (3 grams) cinnamon powder 2 pcs eggs --- Don\'t forget to subscribe to our channel! Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angsaraprecipes Visit our website for thousands of recipes: http://www.angsaraprecipes.com'
Tags: food hack , no bake , cinnamon rolls , tasty bread , sarap food channel
See also: